First page is blank when printing graphs in R

I am trying to generate a pdf with multiple graphs. Specifically, I want to keep my plots, 4 on each page. So I have the following code in r (which works, but leaves the page blank - the first one):

pdf("Plots/plots_numeric_four_in_page.pdf",paper="a4r",width = 14)

graphlist <- lapply(3:NCOL(agg_num), function(i) {
  print (tempColName)
  p<-qplot(Group.1,agg_num[[tempColName]],data = agg_num,color=Group.2,geom = "line",main=tempColName) + xlab("Date") + ylab(paste("Count of ", tempColName)) +  geom_line(size=1.5)+ scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%m/%Y"))+ 
    theme(legend.position="bottom",legend.direction="horizontal")+ guides(col=guide_legend(ncol=3))


It displays about 50 graphs correctly, 4 on each page in PDF. However, it leaves the first page blank and starts from the second. I looked at the options for marrangeGrob but I couldn't find anything to solve the problem. Do you know a workaround or any way to fix this problem?


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1 answer

There is a known bug between ggplot2 gridExtra

which causes this for some marrangeGrob

containing ggplots. Manually overriding the function grid.draw.arrangelist

( src ) ( marrangeGrob

returns an object arrangelist

) could potentially fix it (suggested here ).

grid.draw.arrangelist <- function(x, ...) {
  for(ii in seq_along(x)){
    if(ii>1) grid.newpage()  # skips grid.newpage() call the first time around


It may be safer to define a new class for the object in question arrangelist

and apply a fix to it than to override grid.draw

for each call marrageGrob

in scope.



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