Maxscript Python addModifier

I am writing maxscript in python and the following code throws an error like:

import MaxPlus

res = MaxPlus.Core.GetRootNode()
#This is just as example that I use the first child.
child = MaxPlus.INode.GetChild(res,0)

morpherFP = MaxPlus.FPValue()
MaxPlus.Core.EvalMAXScript("Morpher()", morpherFP)
morpher = MaxPlus.FPValue.Get(morpherFP)

MaxPlus.INode.AddModifier(child, morpher)


And from the MaxScript listener, I always get the following error:

type 'exceptions.TypeError' in method 'INode_AddModifier', argument 2 of type 'Autodesk :: Max :: Modifier' "

while morpher type is Animatable (Morpher) and Animatable is a subclass of Modifier. Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

I think I found a possible solution (the only thing I know is that the MaxScript Listener does not throw an error):

import MaxPlus

res = MaxPlus.Core.GetRootNode()
#I use the first child as example
child = MaxPlus.INode.GetChild(res,0)
morpher = MaxPlus.Factory.CreateObjectModifier(MaxPlus.ClassIds.Morpher)
MaxPlus.INode.AddModifier(child, morpher) 
# the following also seems to work aka it does not throw any errors


Let me know if this is not correct or if there is an easier or clearer way.



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