How to get multiple result set in Entity Framework using Linq from C #?

In my stored procedure, I have two select statements based on two result sets that I would like to get using linq with C # code.

Below is my stored procedure:

Create Proc SP_GetResult
    Select Id,Name from EmployeeTable;
    Select ContactNo,DateOfBirth from Customer;


I tried below code to call Stored Procedure using Linq:

Public void SelectValues()
    using (Entities1 entity = new Entities1())
       var list = entity.SP_GetResult

       foreach (var test in list)
          var test12123 = test;


I can only get the EmployeeTable data. But I can't get the details of the clients table.

How to do it?

Any idea?


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1 answer

It's achievable, MSDN has a great explanation. Check out this article, it shows two ways to achieve it:

For your requirements, use approach 2 (multiple result sets with customization in EDMX).

After that, you can use those results with Linq without any problem. for example

Public void SelectValues()
    using (Entities1 entity = new Entities1())
       var Employees = entity.SP_GetResult;
       var Customers = Employees.GetNextResult<Customer>();
       // do your stuff


To "join" this collection 2 you can use the Tuple collection

Tuple<EmployeeTable, Customer>


Since the above approach only works for .NET 4.5 and higher, you can use the first approach from the article. It also suits you. You can use linq there. Take a look at my example:

public List<EmployeeTable> GetEmployees()
using(var ctx = new myEntities())
    var cmd = ctx.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[SP_GetResult]";

    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); 
    //reader.NextResult(); <- uncomment this to get second result(Customer)
    var employees = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db) 
        .Translate<EmployeeTable>(reader, "EmployeeTable", MergeOption.AppendOnly); 
    return employees;


Now you can use linq like:

var boss = GetEmployees().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "BossName");



Actually, to make such simple queries, you don't need to have it in one sp. You don't even need storage routines for this. With only EF, you can do it like this:

using (var ctx = new myEntities())
    var employyes = from x in ctx.EmployeeTable select new
        id = x.Id,
        name = x.Name




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