How to stop bjqs slider
$(document).ready(function (){
function init_slider() {
animtype: 'fade',
autoplay: autoPlay,
animduration: -1,
animspeed: 4000,
height: 'auto',
width: 900,
keyboardnav: goTo,
responsive: false,
showcontrols: false,
showmarkers: false,
centercontrols: false
I am using this. goTo is the flag I use to enable and disable keyboard navigation. The problem I have is that the slider rotates automatically, I want to stop it.
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1 answer
I think,
automatic : false
will solve the problem...
Inside this bjqs slider (bjqs-1.3.js) we can see the following declaration,
automatic : false, // enable/disable automatic slide rotation
Modified code,
$(document).ready(function (){
function init_slider() {
animtype: 'fade',
autoplay: autoPlay,
automatic: false,
animduration: -1,
animspeed: 4000,
height: 'auto',
width: 900,
keyboardnav: goTo,
responsive: false,
showcontrols: false,
showmarkers: false,
centercontrols: false
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