My device is busy: Copying symbol files in Xcode 6.4
I get this warning when I try to run the application on my device. Please help me how to solve this. I have been trying for the last two days. I can not do it. Copying symbol files is in the status bar. Progress is also not loaded. I have mentioned some of the answers on Stack Overflow. But I haven't decided yet. I do not know what to do? Please help me.
Device running in my iMAC:
Xcode Version 6.3 iOS Version 8.2
The same device for another MAC BOOK PRO:
The device does not work with another MAC BOOK PRO. So, we have completed the following steps.
1 . OS Upgraded to 8.3 and on the same day that the device is connected to another MAC Book Pro by creating new certificates according to the procedure.
2 . received error, e.g. Version not supported by XCode
3 . So we have updated Xcode to 6.4, iOS 8.3, successfully working on a different MAC.
4 . Now, in my iMAC, the version has been updated to XCode 6.4 and iOS 8.3.
From this day on, if I try to run on the device, I cannot work. Copy symbol files on receipt only. But it works in MAC BOOk PRO.
Please help me. How to solve this?
What I did to fix this:
- Remove the app still connected to the Mac.
- Close Xcode
- Right-click the Xcode application icon on the Mac screen and select Exit.
- Disconnect iPhone
- Restart the Xcode project.
- Connect iPhone
- Choose whatever you use
- Start of launch.
It should work. I am currently in Xcode 8 (Swift 3) and this fixed my problem in a minute. I hope this solution works for you.
Good luck Pranav :)