How to Catch Future Exception in Game Structure 2.4

I am trying to figure out how to catch a future exception in a function called by an asynchronous action in Play Framework 2.4. However, the code I have using restore seems to never get executed. I always get an execution exception page, not an "Ok" response.

Action code:

def index = Action.async {
    .map {
      cards => Ok(views.html.cardlist(cards))
      case e: Exception => Ok(e.getMessage)


The code in cardRepo.getAll (which I have programmed for a new Exception experiment to experiment with):

def getAll(): Future[Seq[Card]] = {

    implicit val cardFormat = Json.format[Card]

    val cards = collection.find(Json.obj())

    throw new Exception("OH DEAR")



I've seen similar questions on Stack Overflow, but I can't see what I'm doing wrong.


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1 answer

Thank you Mon Calamari. I think I understand now. The future comes from collection.find, so if there is a bug in it, my code will work, but since I put it inside a function above it, there is no future in the future.



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