Troubleshooting Beanstalk Application - Existing Application Appears to Be Broken

We have been using EB for about a year, our main backend is not working with us at the moment. I have deployed without any problem for the past two months and today when I tried to deploy I see this:

INFO: environment update starts. INFO: Deploy new version of instance (s). ERROR: [Instance: i-dc773612, i-4073a981] Command failed eg. Return Code: 1 Exit: Command [CMD-AppDeploy / AppDeployStage0 / InfraWriteApp2] failed with Error Code 1: Failed to build: Command 01downloadVersion failed. INFO: Command execution is performed in all instances. Summary: [Success: 0, Error: 2]. ERROR: Command [Instance: i-dc773612] failed. Return code: 1 Exit: CMD-AppDeploy / AppDeployStage1 / AppDeployEnactHook / command with error code 1: / opt / elasticbeanstalk / hooks / appdeploy / enact / ++ / opt / elasticbeanstalk / bin / get-config container -k app_staging_dir + EB_APP_STAGING_DIR = / var / app / ondeck ++ / opt / elasticbeanstalk / bin / get-config container -k app_deploy_dir + EB_APP_DEPLOY_DIR = / var / app / current + '['-d / var / app / current ']' + mv / var / app / current / var / app / current.old + mv / var / app / ondeck / var / app / current mv: can not stat '/ var / app / ondeck: No such file or directory. INFO: Command completed in 1 of 2 instances in the environment. ERROR: [Instance: i-4073a981] Command error in instance. Return code: 1 Exit: CMD-AppDeploy / AppDeployStage1 / AppDeployEnactHook / command with error code 1: / opt / elasticbeanstalk / hooks / appdeploy / enact / ++ / opt / elasticbeanstalk / bin / get-config container -k app_staging_dir + EB_APP_STAGING_DIR = / var / app / ondeck ++ / opt / elasticbeanstalk / bin / get-config container -k app_deploy_dir + EB_APP_DEPLOY_DIR = / var / app / current + '[' -d / var / app / current ' ] '+ mv / var / app / current / var / app / current.old + mv / var / app / ondeck / var / app / current mv: can not stat' / var / app / ondeck:There is no such file or directory. INFO: command completed in 2 out of 2 instances in the environment. INFO: command execution completed in all cases. Description: [Success: 0, Error: 2]. INFO: A new version of the application has been deployed to run EC2 instances. ERROR: Environment update operation completed but with errors. For more information, see the troubleshooting documentation. ERROR: The upgrade completed the environment, but with errors. For more information, see the troubleshooting documentation.See the troubleshooting documentation for more information. ERROR: The upgrade completed the environment, but with errors. For more information, see the troubleshooting documentation.See the troubleshooting documentation for more information. ERROR: The upgrade completed the environment, but with errors. For more information, see the troubleshooting documentation.

I have no idea why, as far as I can tell, I committed / deployed everything as usual. I see the last commit when I go to Application Versions - and it seems to be expanded (it has the environment name next to the commit in the Deployed column). However, my mobile apps can no longer connect to PHP files on the server, they keep getting 403 ban - even in files that weren't changed in the last commit. It looks like the application has not existed since the deployment failed.

Where do I go next?

Edit: I did a bit of research and the download seemed to be successful as I can see the zip file is there. This is the very part of the deployment that doesn't work. I've tried reloading the instances as well as stopping the instances and letting the load balancer create new ones. Still fails, although I am now getting a timeout now. From the moment of start โ†’ the timeout takes less time equal to the timeout of 30 minutes, the timeout occurs after 5-10 minutes.


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