Angular JS $ http.success () vs $ q.resolve ()?

I'm trying to figure out promises ... What is the difference between simply making a $ http request and then executing whether it succeeds (.success ()) and it fails (.fail ()), versus a promise (q = $ q.defer ()) with q.resolve ()?


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uses it myself $q

. These services do not work at the same level.


returns a promise that can be resolved or rejected. This means that you are using the promise provided by the service ($ http). Inside $http

will call $q.defer()

, then $q.resolve()

or $q.reject()

. This will either call your method .success()

or .fail()



is a service for creating your own promise.

Using $q

is a great way to learn about promises, but in your case $http

already does the job for you.



Nothing. $http

methods return promises. In short, they can also be linked with then

. success

and fail

are sugar only for permission and rejection then




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