Set the relative minimum value of a column to a single column data frame R

I am working with a dataframe in R and I would like to find the min value for each date and then put that value in one column in the dataframe. The catch is that the min value for each date should only appear in the rows of that date. Take a look below and it will be clearer.

        Date    Last
1 2015-06-21 2106.25
2 2015-06-21 2105.25
3 2015-06-21 2105.75
4 2015-06-22 2106.75
5 2015-06-22 2107.00
6 2015-06-22 2106.75
7 2015-06-23 2117.25
8 2015-06-23 2117.25
9 2015-06-23 2117.00


Desired output:

        Date    Last     Min
1 2015-06-21 2106.25 2105.25
2 2015-06-21 2105.25 2105.25  
3 2015-06-21 2105.75 2105.25
4 2015-06-22 2106.75 2106.75 
5 2015-06-22 2107.00 2106.75
6 2015-06-22 2106.75 2106.75
7 2015-06-23 2117.25 2117.00
8 2015-06-23 2117.25 2117.00
9 2015-06-23 2117.00 2117.00


To extract min from each date, I use:

MinVal <- sapply(split(data, data$Date), function(x) min(x$Last))


The output is fine:

2015-06-21 2015-06-22 2015-06-23 
   2105.25    2106.75    2117.00 


Now how do I get this back into the dataframe in a single column named Min? Using this sapply creates a matrix that I don't want:

data$Min <- sapply(names(MinVal), function(i) ifelse(data$Date == i, MinVal[i], NA))


This command will create the original dataframe:

data <- structure(list(Date = structure(c(16607, 16607, 16607, 16608, 
16608, 16608, 16609, 16609, 16609), class = "Date"), Last = c(2106.25, 
2105.25, 2105.75, 2106.75, 2107, 2106.75, 2117.25, 2117.25, 2117
)), .Names = c("Date", "Last"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 




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3 answers

Consider using a package data.table

for such operations. Here's an example:


datadt <- data.table(data)




This leads to the desired result:

         Date    Last     Min
1: 2015-06-21 2106.25 2105.25
2: 2015-06-21 2105.25 2105.25
3: 2015-06-21 2105.75 2105.25
4: 2015-06-22 2106.75 2106.75
5: 2015-06-22 2107.00 2106.75
6: 2015-06-22 2106.75 2106.75
7: 2015-06-23 2117.25 2117.00
8: 2015-06-23 2117.25 2117.00
9: 2015-06-23 2117.00 2117.00


The :=

in operator data.table

allows you to create columns on an existing data table. This argument can make the by

group unique.



One way dplyr


data %>%
  group_by(Date) %>%      #group
  mutate(Min = min(Last)) #add min Last per group



Source: local data frame [9 x 3]
Groups: Date

        Date    Last     Min
1 2015-06-21 2106.25 2105.25
2 2015-06-21 2105.25 2105.25
3 2015-06-21 2105.75 2105.25
4 2015-06-22 2106.75 2106.75
5 2015-06-22 2107.00 2106.75
6 2015-06-22 2106.75 2106.75
7 2015-06-23 2117.25 2117.00
8 2015-06-23 2117.25 2117.00
9 2015-06-23 2117.00 2117.00




Here's another solution:




        Date    Last     Min
1 2015-06-21 2106.25 2105.25
2 2015-06-21 2105.25 2105.25
3 2015-06-21 2105.75 2105.25
4 2015-06-22 2106.75 2105.25
5 2015-06-22 2107.00 2105.25
6 2015-06-22 2106.75 2105.25
7 2015-06-23 2117.25 2105.25
8 2015-06-23 2117.25 2105.25
9 2015-06-23 2117.00 2105.25




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