Adding Custom Data to Error Notifications with Middleware in Rails 3.2

I would like to add a custom bugsnag tab for all notifications generated by my rails app.

I can't use: before_bugsnag_notify because errors are sometimes generated by models called from repeated background jobs.

So I decided to use middleware and I have some problems here:

so I went through this guide here:

and added my middleware in app / middleware like this:

  class CustomMiddleware
    def initialize(bugsnag)
      @bugsnag = bugsnag

    def call(notification)
        puts "doing something"


The config file for bugsnag looks like this:

in config / initializers / bugsnag.rb:

Bugsnag.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "#{ENV['BUGSNAG_API_KEY']}"
  config.middleware.use "CustomMiddleWare"


Eventually, I would like to add a tab using the add_tab () method before @ (), but now I keep running with an error that I cannot fix:

** [Bugsnag] Bugsnag middleware error: undefined method `new' for "CustomMiddleWare":String


Any ideas?

Edit: I had to put the method name on a string because of this: Where do you put the rack middleware files and require?


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