Where is Erlang Term Storage (ETS) stored?

Hi I am learning Erlang.

I read from http://learnyousomeerlang.com/ets

Erlang has something called ETS (Erlang Term Storage) tables. ETS tables are an efficient in-memory database included in the Erlang virtual machine. [...]

My question is Erlang term data stored in ETS tables - Where is it stored? Are they temporarily stored in the computer's memory? If I restart the application, do they disappear?


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1 answer

  • ETS is RAM based and will disappear when the owner process ends.
  • DETS is a discrete version of ETS. Being disk-only, they are slow.
  • For more advanced usage, you should take a look at Mnesia , the standard Erlang DBMS.

The documentation has some basic comparisons between these three options.



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