Package.appxmanifest cannot be opened in App Manifest Design

I am trying to open Package.appxmanifest using App Manifest Design (right click on file -> Open With ... -> App Manifest Design) and I got this error:

The file cannot be opened with the selected editor. Please choose another editor.


This is a newly created Windows Universal project on Visual Studio community 2015 RC (14.0 D14REL) as Administrator.

The weird thing is when I create Windows 8.1 Universal the manifest opens correctly in design.

How can I get this to work?


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1 answer

I am figuring out how to work.

I needed this to add a background job.
So in my Package.appxmanifest I added the following:

 <Extension Category="windows.backgroundTasks" EntryPoint="BackgroundTasks.UpdateTask">
   <Task Type="timer" />


inside <Aplication>



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