Calculate the sum of child objects of the parent rights list

I need to calculate the total fee for services that child services have. The way to calculate the sum of Entities in linq:

double totalcost = db.Services.Sum(s=>s.cost);


But how can I calculate the total cost of the list services, for example:



or something like that? I don't want to use a loop because it takes a long time when I have to compute 1000 services at a time!


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3 answers

I assume your model looks something like this:

public class Service
  public long Id { get; set; }
  public double Cost { get; set; }
  public ICollection<ChildService> ChildServices { get; set; }

public class ChildService
  public long Id { get; set; }
  public double Fee { get; set; }


Then you can do this to calculate the total fee for all services:

double? totalFee = db.Services.Sum(service => service.ChildServices.Sum(child => (double?)child.Fee));



there to once again defend the case where nothing is summed up in the database. In this case, the result will be null


If you want a list of the general fees for the entire service, you can:

List<double?> totalFees = db.Services.Select(service => service.ChildServices.Sum(child => (double?)child.Fee)).ToList();


If you want zeros instead null

, just replace the above queries:

double totalFee = db.Services.Sum(service => service.ChildServices.Sum(child => (double?)child.Fee)) ?? 0;
List<double> totalFees = db.Services.Select(service => service.ChildServices.Sum(child => (double?)child.Fee) ?? 0).ToList();




var total = services.SelectMany(q => q.ChildServices).Distinct().Sum(p => p.Fee);




var childFeeSum=from parentService in db.Services select new { Fee=parentService.Sum(parent=>parent.ChildServices.Sum(f=>f.Fee))};




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