How to populate values in a table that are retrieved from mysql database using PHP?
Problem: Fill the time values in the table by date using PHP, MySQL and HTML.
Review: Developing a Web Application for Managing an Employee List,
- The user selects a Monday date and all other week dates are automatically filled in.
- The user fills in his / her time spent on a specific task and submits (every end of the day he / she does)
Let's say the user fills in and submits the summary sheet on Monday and on Tuesday logged into the web application, when the user selects a date and clicks the "SubmitDate" button, all previous date values (Monday) must be filled in and must be up (not editable).
Code (for tabular logic)Assignments Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
<tr> <th>DATES</th> <?php //while ($a <7):?> <th> <?php //$output = getStartAndEndDate(2, 2015); echo $output?> </th> <?php //$a++; ?> <?php //endwhile ?> </tr> <?php $sdate = $_SESSION['start_date1'];?> <?php $parts = explode('-', $sdate);?> <tr> <th>DATES</th> <?php $year=$parts[0]?> <?php $time = strtotime("$parts[2].$parts[1].$year", time());?> <?php $day = date('w', $time); ?> <?php $time += ((7*$week)+1-$day)*24*3600;?> <?php $return[0] = date('Y-n-j', $time);?> <th> <?php echo "$return[0] <br>"; ?> </th> <?php $m = 0;?> <?php while ($m<6):?> <?php $i=1; ?> <!-- <?php $time// += ((7*$week)+1-$day)*24*3600;?> --> <?php $time += $i*24*3600; ?> <?php $return[1] = date('Y-n-j', $time); ?> <!-- <?php //echo "$return[1] <br>"; ?> --> <th> <?php echo "$return[1] <br>"; ?> </th> <?php $m++; ?> <?php endwhile ?> </thead> <?php foreach ($separateTaskList as $val1):?> <tr> <th> <?php echo $val1?></th> <td contenteditable="true"> 0</td> <td contenteditable="true"> 0</td> <td contenteditable="true"> 0</td> <td contenteditable="true"> 0</td> <td contenteditable="true"> 0</td> <td contenteditable="true"> 0</td> <td contenteditable="true"> 0</td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> <div class="container" style="text-align:center"> <button style="" onclick="actionSend()" class="btn-default-submit submitbtn" align="center">SUBMIT</button></div>
Code (for entering values into db):
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO timesheet_details
(emp_id, tmsheet_week_start_dt, tmsheet_activity_dt, project_id, task_id,
activity_tm_spent_min, tmsheet_status, tmsheet_submit_dt, tmsheet_approve_dt, tmsheet_approver_id )
($emp_id, '$tmsheet_week_start_dt', '$tmsheet_week_start_dt', '$project_id', '$task_id' , $_totalMinutes, 'Notapproved', '$tmsheet_week_start_dt', '$tmsheet_week_start_dt', 1000 );");
Question: How to get data and fill it in one table according to the date?
I am glad of any missing detail, if any. Help would be appreciated.
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After using the following code
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO timesheet_details
(emp_id, tmsheet_week_start_dt, tmsheet_activity_dt, project_id, task_id,
activity_tm_spent_min, tmsheet_status, tmsheet_submit_dt, tmsheet_approve_dt, tmsheet_approver_id )
($emp_id, '$tmsheet_week_start_dt', '$tmsheet_week_start_dt', '$project_id', '$task_id' , $_totalMinutes, 'Notapproved', '$tmsheet_week_start_dt', '$tmsheet_week_start_dt', 1000 );");
Try to make selections that you can get in the fields. For example, fetch all and grab the values from the database.
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("Select * FROM timesheet_details WHERE emp_id = $emp_id");
Then in HTML, just get echoes of different days.
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