How to neglect "|" in Codeigniter

Hi I'm new to PHP and Codeigniter.

This is my controller code. Here I add '|' to each value. If I have no value in name3 and value3 then I do not add '|' the character. How can I check and insert it?


       function event()







In my release, I get '|' if I have not entered the data. I want a Null value to be entered into the database.

If the value exists, the data will be in this format: eg. 22 as value and kg as unit, it should be formatted as 22|kg

, if no value is entered I get '|'. It is my problem.


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1 answer

Just do it using !empty


$v_unit1 = (!empty($unit1) && !empty($value1)) ? $value1.'|'.$unit1 : '';


This will check if the variable isset

along with it is not empty




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