How to create a stored procedure to combine multiple results

Here is the structure of the table:

TABLE TestTable 
       [Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, 
       [Quality] [tinyint] NULL,
       [UtcTimeStamp] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, 
       [Value] [varbinary](max) NULL


I want to achieve: for a specified time range ( from

- to

) for UtcTimeStamp

, first I will query all data located in the time range. Then keep asking for data after the time range to

following this rule:

  • R0: Quality

    has three meanings: 1, 2, 3
  • R1: If the first data Quality

    after to

    is 3, just compare this result with the results above the range.
  • R2: If the first data Quality

    after to

    is 2, keep querying the next row (after that UtcTimeStamp

    ), which Quality

    is 3. Finally, combine these two query results with the results above the range.
  • R3: If the first data Quality

    after to

    is 1, keep querying the next lines (after that UtcTimeStamp

    ), which Quality

    are 2 and 3. Finally, combine these three query results with the above range of results.

All of the above job contains one stored procedure and the best performance possible.

I am not very good at stored procedure syntax and tried to store some intermediate variables and use the syntax IF


to combine all the results, just failed to get a sentence.


Here is demo content:

For R1:

Database like this

Id(fake) UtcTimeStamp(fake) Quality Value
1s-..    1                  1       0x...
1s-..    2                  2       0x...
1s-..    3                  2       0x...
1s-..    4                  3       0x...
1s-..    5                  3       0x...
1s-..    6                  2       0x...


If I hope to ask for a time range of 1 to 4, then the results should be:

Id(fake) UtcTimeStamp(fake) Quality Value
1s-..    1                  1       0x...
1s-..    2                  2       0x...
1s-..    3                  2       0x...
1s-..    4                  3       0x...
1s-..    5                  3       0x...


For R2:

Database like this

Id(fake) UtcTimeStamp(fake) Quality Value
1s-..    1                  1       0x...
1s-..    2                  2       0x...
1s-..    3                  2       0x...
1s-..    4                  3       0x...
1s-..    5                  2       0x...
1s-..    6                  2       0x...
1s-..    7                  1       0x...
1s-..    8                  3       0x...


If I hope to ask for a time range of 1 to 4, then the results should be:

Id(fake) UtcTimeStamp(fake) Quality Value
1s-..    1                  1       0x...
1s-..    2                  2       0x...
1s-..    3                  2       0x...
1s-..    4                  3       0x...
1s-..    5                  2       0x...
1s-..    8                  3       0x...


For R3:

Database like this

Id(fake) UtcTimeStamp(fake) Quality Value
1s-..    1                  1       0x...
1s-..    2                  2       0x...
1s-..    3                  2       0x...
1s-..    4                  3       0x...
1s-..    5                  1       0x...
1s-..    6                  2       0x...
1s-..    7                  1       0x...
1s-..    8                  3       0x...


If I hope to ask for a time range of 1 to 4, then the results should be:

Id(fake) UtcTimeStamp(fake) Quality Value
1s-..    1                  1       0x...
1s-..    2                  2       0x...
1s-..    3                  2       0x...
1s-..    4                  3       0x...
1s-..    5                  1       0x...
1s-..    6                  2       0x...
1s-..    8                  3       0x...


The procedure should look something like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE [ProcedureName] @Id as uniqueidentifier, @StartTime as datetime2, @EndTime as datetime2 AS ...



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2 answers

Ok, here is my solution:

CREATE PROCEDURE [ProcedureName] @Id as uniqueidentifier, @StartTime as datetime2, @EndTime as datetime2 
        [Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, 
        [Quality] [tinyint] NULL,
        [UtcTimeStamp] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, 
        [Value] [varbinary](max) NULL

    DECLARE @BoundRows TABLE 
        [Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, 
        [Quality] [tinyint] NULL,
        [UtcTimeStamp] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, 
        [Value] [varbinary](max) NULL

    INSERT INTO @NextRow SELECT top 1 * from [JerryTest].[dbo].[TestTable]
        where Id = @Id
        AND UtcTimeStamp > @EndTime

    IF((SELECT TOP 1 Quality FROM @NextRow) = 3)
        INSERT INTO @BoundRows SELECT * FROM @NextRow
    ELSE IF((SELECT TOP 1 Quality FROM @NextRow) = 2)
        INSERT INTO @BoundRows SELECT * FROM @NextRow
        INSERT INTo @BoundRows SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [JerryTest].[dbo].[TestTable] 
            WHERE Id = @Id 
            AND UtcTimeStamp > @EndTime
            AND Quality = 3
    ELSE IF((SELECT TOP 1 Quality FROM @NextRow) = 1)
        INSERT INTO @BoundRows SELECT * FROM @NextRow
        INSERT INTO @BoundRows SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [JerryTest].[dbo].[TestTable]
            WHERE Id = @Id 
            AND UtcTimeStamp > @EndTime  
            AND Quality = 2
        INSERT INTO @BoundRows SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [JerryTest].[dbo].[TestTable] 
            WHERE Id = @Id 
            AND UtcTimeStamp > @EndTime
            AND Quality = 3

    (SELECT * FROM [JerryTest].[dbo].[TestTable] 
        WHERE Id = @Id 
        AND UtcTimeStamp >= @StartTime 
        AND UtcTimeStamp <= @EndTime)
    SELECT * FROM @BoundRows


Hope this helps you.



You can try the following. I will try to generate demo data first:

-- Create demo data
       [Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, 
       [Quality] [tinyint] NULL,
       [UtcTimeStamp] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, 
       [Value] [varbinary](max) NULL

INSERT INTO dbo.temp(id, quality,UtcTimeStamp, value)
SELECT NEWID() as id, NTILE(3) OVER(ORDER BY object_id) as quality, 
    DATEADD(day,-NTILE(3) OVER(ORDER BY object_id),GETUTCDATE()) as UtcTimeStamp, 
    HASHBYTES(N'SHA1',CONVERT(nvarchar(36),NEWID())) as value
FROM sys.all_objects


You can try this procedure to get everything:

-- Doing the stuff inside the proc
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.yourProcedure 
    @from datetime2, @to datetime2

    ;WITH cte AS(
        -- Prepare data base for the second part of the query
        SELECT, t.Quality, t.UtcTimeStamp, t.Value, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by t.UtcTimeStamp) as rn
        FROM dbo.temp as t
        WHERE t.UtcTimeStamp > @to
    -- Get all data based inside the range of @from and @to
    SELECT, t.Quality, t.UtcTimeStamp, t.Value 
    FROM dbo.temp as t
    WHERE t.UtcTimeStamp BETWEEN @from AND @to
    UNION ALL -- You can use union all, as you the following records won't already be in the above result set
    -- Add all rows which are behind the @to date (prepared in the cte)
    SELECT, t.Quality, t.UtcTimeStamp, t.Value 
    FROM cte as t
    WHERE (t.Quality = 3 AND t.rn = 1) -- The first row, if it quality 3
        -- All rows until quality 3, if the first row is quality 2
        OR ((t.quality = 2 and t.rn = 1) AND (t.rn <= (SELECT TOP 1 rn FROM cte WHERE quality = 3 ORDER By rn)))
        -- All rows until quality 2 or 3, if the first row is quality 1
        OR ((t.quality = 1 and t.rn = 1) AND (t.rn <= (SELECT TOP 1 rn FROM cte WHERE quality IN(2,3) ORDER By rn)))



Then call the result:

DECLARE @from datetime2 = DATEADD(day,-3,GETUTCDATE()), @to datetime2 = DATEADD(day,-2,GETUTCDATE())
SELECT @from, @to, * FROM dbo.temp

EXEC dbo.yourProcedure @from = @from, @to = @to


Remember to clean up afterwards.

-- Cleanup
DROP TABLE dbo.temp




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