Using Universal Windows Platform (Windows 10) Controls in WPF

Hopefully simple question; I seem to recall that someone at a recent Microsoft conference said that some of the functionality of UWP apps should be available in WPF / Desktop. Unfortunately, I can no longer find (or remember) which of the many videos it was (although it was probably Build or similar on Channel9).

Can UWP elements be used in a WPF app? Basically I want the look and feel of an "app", including some of the new controls (RelativePanel, SplitPanel) and themed buttons, etc., but I need the power of the entire desktop - like access to the full filesystem.



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I think you mean different bridges for porting apps to Windows 10, for example from IOS, Android, Web, Win32, etc. and still use Windows 10 features and APIs. In particular, I think you are talking about a bridge to bring Win32 applications. You can find bridges here.

β€’ "Project Centennial": This toolkit will allow desktop developers to package and publish their existing .NET and Win32-based Windows applications to the Windows Store. Developers can also use Centennial to call common UWP APIs and services.



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