MediaCapture windows 8.1 winjs app

I am using mediaCapture to capture video and then display the video before uploading. I am using a video tag to show the video before uploading. My problem is that the video is not showing full screen. I gave the height and width of the video tag to 100%, even then its display is small. Is there any way to solve the problem.

enter image description here

var videoplayer = document.getElementById("capturedVideo");
videoplayer.src = URL.createObjectURL(storageFile, { oneTimeOnly: true });videoplayer.controls = true;

 <video id="capturedVideo" class="capturedVideo" autoplay="autoplay"></video>

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2 answers

I solved the problem by setting the msZoom propertyt to true.

for example: videoplayer.msZoom = true;




Is it on the phone? What happens if you hold your device in landscape mode (tilt it counterclockwise)? I suspect you are not applying the correct rotation to the view.

Check out the versatile Camera Starter Kit . This is a Win10 sample, but most of the code applies to 8 / 8.1 as well. In particular, take a look at the method setPreviewRotationAsync()


Alternatively, you can try to lock the orientation to the album like so:

Display.DisplayInformation.autoRotationPreferences = Display.DisplayOrientations.landscape;


Although, if you don't care about manually rotating your UI, it won't bring a good experience.



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