Listview getChildAt () Returns null

I am working on an android project and got into a problem. I searched for it but could not find an answer. My project has a snippet named viewsurahfragment

and contains a list whose id lv_showquran


I want to highlight a list view at a specified index. I am using listview.getchildat () but it returns a value null

Here is the code for the viewurahfragment. Irrelevant functions are emitted.

public class ViewSurahFragment extends Fragment
    private ListView listView;
    private int currentSurah;
    private String surahName;
    private DatabaseHelper databaseHelper;
    private ArrayAdapter<String> arrayAdapter;

    public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
        //        this.listView = (ListView) getActivity().findViewById(;

    public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        this.listView = (ListView) getActivity().findViewById(;

    private void displayAyas()
        String[] values = this.getSurahAyas();
        this.arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(this.getActivity().getApplicationContext(), R.layout.layout_surah_ayah, values);

        this.listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener()
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id)


    public void highlightAyah(int ayahNum)
        TextView view = (TextView) this.listView.getChildAt(ayahNum - 1);
        Log.i("ViewSurahFragment", "List View Child Counts Are: " + this.listView.getChildCount());

        if(view == null)
            Log.i("ViewSurahFragment", "view is null");


Don't change if I used the following line of code in either in onactivitycreated

or in onviewcreated

, it returned null when I called the listview.getchildat () function in highlightayah


this.listView = (ListView) getActivity().findViewById(;


I also tried to do the following, but that also didn't work for me.

ListView view = (ListView) getActivity().findViewById(;
TextView v = (TextView) view.getChildAt(ayahNum);
Log.i("ViewSurahFragment", "List View Child Counts Are: " + view.getChildCount());

if(v == null)
    Log.i("ViewSurahFragment", "view is null");


But what is interesting to me is that getchildviewcount() return 0

in both solutions I have used, but the items appear in the list.
Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong.
Thanks in advance for your help.


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4 answers

This raises null:

 TextView textView = (TextView) listView.getChildAt(0);
 Log.i("item", textView.getText().toString());


And it is not:

    TextView textView = (TextView) listView.getAdapter().getView(0, null, listView);
    Log.i("item", textView.getText().toString());


This example is used android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1

, so keep in mind that the TextView is the root view in simple_list_item_1.



private void highlightListView(int position)

        int i = 0;
        int count2 = alAudio.size();
        for (i = 0; i < count2; i++)

            View view = lstvwSongs.getChildAt(i - lstvwSongs.getFirstVisiblePosition());
            ViewHolder viewHolder = (ViewHolder) lstvwSongs.getAdapter().getView(i, view, lstvwSongs).getTag();

                if (i == position)
    catch (Exception e)


This is the simplest way for a hightlight list item.

Hope this helps you.



So when you call getChildCount()

- your listView is empty. It looks like you are calling this before you post content inside it using the method displayAyas()


Check where is called displayAyas()

. Because of the elements being displayed - I'm guessing it's called somewhere in the action. Place it in front getChildCount()




use getView method on adapter instead of getChildAt when looking through the list

listview.getAdapter().getView(i, null, null)




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