How to match both multiline and single line

I feel like I'm trying to ponder some Regex (using Python 2.7) and got into confusion. It's connected with (. *). I know that period matches everything except newline, unless you use the re.DOTALL tag. But when I use the tag it includes too many. Here is some code with several options and results I've tried:

import re
from urllib2 import urlopen
webpage = urlopen('').read()

# find the instances of pattern in the file
findPatHTMLComment = re.findall('<!--(.*)-->',webpage) 
foundItems = len(findPatHTMLComment) # how many instances where found?
# Print results
print "Found " + str(foundItems) + " matches. They are: "
listIterator = []
for i in listIterator:
    print "HTML_Comment["+ str(i) +"]: |" + findPatHTMLComment[i] + "| END HTML Comment"


This results in 3 matches as it doesn't find multiline comments.


findPatHTMLComment = re.findall('<!--(.*)-->',webpage,re.DOTALL)


Finds one match using the first one at the end of the document.

findPatHTMLComment = re.findall('<!--(.*)-->',webpage,re.MULTILINE)


Finds the same as the first, only 3 out of 5 comments that are in the file.

QUESTION: What should I use in this case as a regular expression? Could you explain this for me and others?

Appreciate any recommendations you can provide. Thanks and had a good day.

EDIT: Include example data that was in the link in the code above (will be deleting data from the server soon):

<!--[if lt IE 9 ]>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(function ($) {
            function TopSearchIE9(input,inputBtn){
                var $topSearch=$(input);
                var $topSearchBtn=$(inputBtn);
                $topSearch.keydown(function(e) {
                    if (e.keyCode == 13) {
                        return false;
<!--[if lt IE 10 ]>
        .new-header-search .hdSch-txt{ width: 225px;}
        .new-header-search .hdSch-del{width: 0px; padding: 5px 0px;}
        .new-header-search .hdSch-del.del{background:none; padding: }
    <!-- This is a text file with a number of items to allow testing of some regex methods. It has no actual meaning -->
    <div head1>Item heading for first item</div>
    <!--By the way, this is a comment in a block of HTML text.-->
    <div itembody>We can jump over the moon if we are fast enough, but we really shouldn't try it cause we may get a blood nose. When we do try and succeed it feels quite good.</div>
    <div head1>Item heading for second item</div>
    <div itembody>If this is showing, its the second body within the itembody div tags for this file</div>
    <div head1>Item heading for the third item</div>
    <div itembody>
        Going to add another div tag 
        <div highlight>
            and closing div tag
        in this body to see how it handles that.
    <!-- The above itembody data should 
        have it own div and closing div tags -->
    <div head1>Item heading for the fourth item</div>
    <div itembody>
        <p><a href="">email fred</a> or phone him on +63 493 3382 3329 when you are ready to try more regex stuff.</p>
        <p>You can also check with Barney by <a href="">emailing him</a> or phone him of +44 394 394 3992 if that is easier</p>
    <!-- Thats all folks... -->



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1 answer

But when I use the tag it includes too many.


is greedy , meaning it will match as much as it can and still allows the remaining regex to match. You must follow the *

c operator ?

for a non-greedy match, which means zero or more - preferably as little as possible.

re.findall('<!--(.*?)-->', webpage, re.DOTALL)


The flag re.MULTILINE

is called multiline because bindings ^

and $

work on multiple lines when implemented, which is redundant in this case using a multiline modifier.

In another post I would look at BeautifulSoup for this task.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
comments = soup.find_all(text=lambda text:isinstance(text, Comment))




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