How to pass variable from python to javascript

I have a server in python to handle id (youtube video id), this is the code:

class MessageHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): 
  def get(self, action_id): 
    print "Message = " + action_id 

    if action_id == "id":
        for ws in opened_ws: 
            ws.write_message("ID: " + action_id)
            return render_template('js/player.js', action_id=json.dumps(action_id))


I am using return render_template to pass "action_id" to player.js, which is a function to render movies using API from Youtube, code:

var PushPlayer = (function () {

    var player = null;

    function new_player() {
        player = new YT.Player('yt-player', {
            videoId: action_id,



Since action_id

I can have all youtube video IDs .. but I don't know who is transferring action_id

from python to javascript .. any idea?



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2 answers

It looks like you are using Tornado. You can write Python source in the Tornado template . In this case, your player.js file is a Tornado template. You would like to update it like this:

var PushPlayer = (function () {

var player = null;

function new_player() {
    player = new YT.Player('yt-player', {
        videoId: {{ action_id }},


Anything inside the double curly braces will be evaluated as Python by Tornado.



If you are using a Python framework, you can access the value action_id

using a templating engine like Jinja2 (see ).

Otherwise, to access action_id

with javascript, you can use an AJAX call, which is an asynchronous JavaScript request to your Python web server (see ). Note that the call .ajax

is part of the jQuery library, but it can also be done without it.



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