Break on the keyboard

I have a continuous loop that changes data in an array and stops for one second in each loop. This is not a problem .. but I also need to print a specific part of the array to the screen when I type a specific keypress, without interrupting a continuous loop running at one second intervals.

Any ideas on how to get the keystroke without breaking the loop?


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2 answers

You can use multiprocessing or threading to create a new process / thread that will start the continuity loop and continue with the main thread reading user input (print a specific part of the array to the screen, etc.).


import threading

def loop():
    for i in range(3):
        print "running in a loop"
    print "success"

if __name__ == '__main__':

    t = threading.Thread(target=loop)
    user_input = raw_input("Please enter a value:")
    print user_input




You are probably looking for a module select

. Here is a guide to waiting for I / O.

To do something on the keyboard, you can use something like:

import sys
from select import select

# Main loop
while True:
    # Check if something has been input. If so, exit.
    if sys.stdin in select([sys.stdin, ], [], [], 0)[0]:
        # Absorb the input
        inpt = sys.stdin.readline()
        # Do something...




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