Club multiple data from the database and display them together

I have a table structure that looks like this: here the orderid will be generated randomly.

id  orderid  product  Cost  userid
1     1       P1       C1    1
2     1       P2       C2    1
3     1       P3       C3    1
4     2       P4       C2    1
5     2       P5       C1    1
6     3       P2       C2    2
7     3       P3       C3    2
8     4       P4       C2    3
9     4       P5       C1    3


I want to combine this data according to the orderid (according to the user id) and then display this data as a table where products that have the same order should be displayed together.

it is like a shopping cart in which I place multiple items in the cart and when I confirm the order (all products together) a unique order will be created for that order. and now i want to display products for this order and under each order i want to display all products

the view should look something like this (according to the user id)

enter image description here

the code i am currently using to display data,

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cart where userid='".$userid."'";
    $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
    if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) 
                    code for displaying tabular data


The problem is, I can't put them together


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2 answers


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cart where userid='".$userid."' ORDER BY orderid asc, id asc";
    $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
    if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) 
                    code for displaying tabular data




Try this if it solves your problem. But I have no raw data to test on

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cart where userid='".$userid."'";
    $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
    $test=NULL /// first store data in a single array.
    if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) 
    //Now we have stored all data in $test  

    // test output. please add gui as u need 
    foreach($test as $orderid => $products)
        echo'<br/>OrderID: '.$orderid;
        foreach($products as $p)
            echo'<br/>Product: '.$p['product'].' Cost:'.$p['cost'];


The good thing about this implementation is that all data is retrieved in an array so that it can be returned as a whole.



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