Why am I getting a 401 error when I query for user items?
In the StrongLoop API explorer, I have the ability to request:
/ People / {ID} / food_prefs
Human is based on an embedded user model. This request should return a JSON list of all food_pref files for this Person (User). Instead, I get a 401 authorization error.
Thus, the model relationship:
Person has many food_prefs
food_pref belongs to Person (foreign key: personId)
The food_pref model looks like this:
property: type : number
property: personId : number
When I send a request to Person / {id} / food_pref, I get a 401 error:
"error": {
"name": "Error",
"status": 401,
"message": "Authorization Required",
"statusCode": 401,
"stack": "Error: Authorization Required\n
I haven't configured the ACL yet, but even when I configure it to access everyone, I still get this error. Why?
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The answer is to add the following permissions to the ACL section in the Person model. The file name is generic /models/person.json:
{ "accessType": "EXECUTE",
"principalType": "ROLE",
"principalId": "$everyone",
"permission": "ALLOW",
"property": "__get__foodPrefs"
Similar properties can be set for other methods, such as the ones you use to extend the model, for example a remote method called getList shared by /models/person.js. You just replace __get__foodPrefs with getList. Be sure to note that automatically generated methods like the one above have two underscores, not one.
Additionally, other permissions can be $ authenticated, $ owner, etc.
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