Max columns using table () for SQLAlchemy Core - Python
I am using SQLAlchemy Core in Python to build MySQL tables. I am using Table () function like this:
As you can see, each column is specified as an argument to the function. The problem is that Python functions handle a maximum of 255 arguments, but I need to build a table with 400 arguments. Is there a way to get around the argument limitation in Python? Or perhaps another function that I can use to build the table? I tried to list the columns / arguments, but that didn't work.
Edit: I'm trying to use the same table format () as in the Core SQLAlchemy tutorial. For example:
addresses = Table('addresses', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('user_id', None, nullable=False),
Column('email_address', String, nullable=False))
This use of table () will create three columns, obviously. However, I want to create 397 more (different) columns, but I can't, because Table () will only take 255 arguments. How to get around this?
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Does this seem to be working fine?
What's your problem?
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData
metadata = MetaData()
hello = [Column('x{}'.format(i), String, nullable=False) for i in range(1000)]
t = Table('t', metadata, *hello)
print t.__dict__
print t.__dict__.get("_columns")
#{'schema': None, '_columns': <sqlalchemy.sql.base.ColumnCollection object at 0x026C68A0>, 'name': 't', 'dispatch': <sqlalchemy.event.base.DDLEventsDispatch object at 0x02133B70>, 'indexes': set([]), 'foreign_keys': set([]), 'columns': <sqlalchemy.sql.base.ImmutableColumnCollection object at 0x02717300>, '_prefixes': [], '_extra_dependencies': set([]), 'fullname': 't', 'metadata': MetaData(bind=None), 'implicit_returning': True, 'constraints': set([PrimaryKeyConstraint()]), 'primary_key': PrimaryKeyConstraint()}
#['t.x0', 't.x1', 't.x2', 't.x3', 't.x4', 't.x5', 't.x6', 't.x7', 't.x8', 't.x9', 't.x10', 't.x11', 't.x12', 't.x13', 't.x14', 't.x15', 't.x16', 't.x17', 't.x18', 't.x19', 't.x20', 't.x21', 't.x22', 't.x23', 't.x24', 't.x25', 't.x26', 't.x27', 't.x28', 't.x29', 't.x30', 't.x31', 't.x32', 't.x33', 't.x34', 't.x35', 't.x36', 't.x37', 't.x38', 't.x39', 't.x40', 't.x41', 't.x42', 't.x43', 't.x44', 't.x45', 't.x46', 't.x47', 't.x48', 't.x49', 't.x50', 't.x51', 't.x52', 't.x53', 't.x54', 't.x55', 't.x56', 't.x57', 't.x58', 't.x59', 't.x60', 't.x61', 't.x62', 't.x63', 't.x64', 't.x65', 't.x66', 't.x67', 't.x68', 't.x69', 't.x70', 't.x71', 't.x72', 't.x73', 't.x74', 't.x75', 't.x76', 't.x77', 't.x78', 't.x79', 't.x80', 't.x81', 't.x82', 't.x83', 't.x84', 't.x85', 't.x86', 't.x87', 't.x88', 't.x89', 't.x90', 't.x91', 't.x92', 't.x93', 't.x94', 't.x95', 't.x96', 't.x97', 't.x98', 't.x99', 't.x100', 't.x101', 't.x102', 't.x103', 't.x104', 't.x105', 't.x106', 't.x107', 't.x108', 't.x109', 't.x110', 't.x111', 't.x112', 't.x113', 't.x114', 't.x115', 't.x116', 't.x117', 't.x118', 't.x119', 't.x120', 't.x121', 't.x122', 't.x123', 't.x124', 't.x125', 't.x126', 't.x127', 't.x128', 't.x129', 't.x130', 't.x131', 't.x132', 't.x133', 't.x134', 't.x135', 't.x136', 't.x137', 't.x138', 't.x139', 't.x140', 't.x141', 't.x142', 't.x143', 't.x144', 't.x145', 't.x146', 't.x147', 't.x148', 't.x149', 't.x150', 't.x151', 't.x152', 't.x153', 't.x154', 't.x155', 't.x156', 't.x157', 't.x158', 't.x159', 't.x160', 't.x161', 't.x162', 't.x163', 't.x164', 't.x165', 't.x166', 't.x167', 't.x168', 't.x169', 't.x170', 't.x171', 't.x172', 't.x173', 't.x174', 't.x175', 't.x176', 't.x177', 't.x178', 't.x179', 't.x180', 't.x181', 't.x182', 't.x183', 't.x184', 't.x185', 't.x186', 't.x187', 't.x188', 't.x189', 't.x190', 't.x191', 't.x192', 't.x193', 't.x194', 't.x195', 't.x196', 't.x197', 't.x198', 't.x199', 't.x200', 't.x201', 't.x202', 't.x203', 't.x204', 't.x205', 't.x206', 't.x207', 't.x208', 't.x209', 't.x210', 't.x211', 't.x212', 't.x213', 't.x214', 't.x215', 't.x216', 't.x217', 't.x218', 't.x219', 't.x220', 't.x221', 't.x222', 't.x223', 't.x224', 't.x225', 't.x226', 't.x227', 't.x228', 't.x229', 't.x230', 't.x231', 't.x232', 't.x233', 't.x234', 't.x235', 't.x236', 't.x237', 't.x238', 't.x239', 't.x240', 't.x241', 't.x242', 't.x243', 't.x244', 't.x245', 't.x246', 't.x247', 't.x248', 't.x249', 't.x250', 't.x251', 't.x252', 't.x253', 't.x254', 't.x255', 't.x256', 't.x257', 't.x258', 't.x259', 't.x260', 't.x261', 't.x262', 't.x263', 't.x264', 't.x265', 't.x266', 't.x267', 't.x268', 't.x269', 't.x270', 't.x271', 't.x272', 't.x273', 't.x274', 't.x275', 't.x276', 't.x277', 't.x278', 't.x279', 't.x280', 't.x281', 't.x282', 't.x283', 't.x284', 't.x285', 't.x286', 't.x287', 't.x288', 't.x289', 't.x290', 't.x291', 't.x292', 't.x293', 't.x294', 't.x295', 't.x296', 't.x297', 't.x298', 't.x299'.....]
In the above example, I am using a list comprehension to create 1000 columns and pass it to my table. You will need to define each one one by one.
Also, it should be noted that a 400-column table is not necessarily a good idea, and you should probably plan on how to efficiently create multiple tables rather than one large table.
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