`easygui` - dialogs do not receive focus on creation

I am using Python 2.7.9 easygui 0.97.4

and Windows 7.

I am trying to open a dialog using the following:

import easygui


I expect the dialog to pop up and come to the fore with focus. Sometimes it happens. In other cases, the dialog box does not come to the front and appears behind all other windows.

If the dialog comes to the front or hides behind other windows, it seems to depend on something unpredictable. Providing various arguments easygui.msgbox()

doesn't seem to help. Restarting the Python interpreter sometimes makes it work and sometimes it doesn't.

The problem isn't too bad for simple dialogs that at least give you a blinking taskbar button to get your attention.

enter image description here

It is worse for diropenbox()

one that does not generate a blinking button on the taskbar. The dialog box appears outside the window and does not provide any evidence in it until you hide all other windows.

enter image description here

enter image description here

How can I get the dialogs to easygui

always come to the front and always have focus and not hide behind other windows?

I have looked at robertlugg / easygui's Github and there seems to be no open bug reports for this issue.

Edit: I opened the bug report - https://github.com/robertlugg/easygui/issues/76 .


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