Ffmpeg command for sketching sprites

To output one frame from ffmpeg I can do:

ffmpeg -i input.flv -ss 00:00:14.435 -vframes 1 out.png


And output an image every second, I can do:

ffmpeg -i input.flv -vf fps=1 out%d.png


Would there be a way to create a thumbnail sprite from this output to help with generating the vtt file for the thumbs at the search position?


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2 answers

I'm not really sure what you need / what sprite means for a vtt file, but there is a nice tool that allows you to combine individual images into a large overview image:

ImageMagick comes with a handy toolmontage

montage - create a composite image by combining several separate images. The images alternate in a composite image, additionally decorated with a frame, frame, image name, etc.

You can put sketches together on one or more images with the following command:

montage *.png -tile 4x4 overview.png


It will automatically generate the number of images needed to give you an overview.



Here is an example of creating jpeg files (280x180) from mp4 video using ffmpeg and then assembling those thumbnails into a sprite (png format) using PHP gd2 + to write a VTT file for a video player.

First, create 1 image per second using ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i sprite/MyVideoFile.mp4 -r 1 -s 280x180 -f image2 sprite/thumbs/thumb-%%d.jpg


Then create sprite file + vtt file (PHP example):

$dirToScan      =   'thumbs/';
$filePrefix     =   'thumb-';
$fileSuffix     =   '.jpg';
$thumbWidth     =   280;
$thumbHeight    =   180;
$imageFiles     =   array();
$spriteFile     =   'sprite.png';
$imageLine      =   20;
$vttFile        =   'sprite.vtt';
$dst_x          =   0;
$dst_y          =   0;

# read the directory with thumbnails, file name in array
foreach (glob($dirToScan.$filePrefix.'*'.$fileSuffix) as $filename) {

#calculate dimension for the sprite 
        $spriteWidth =  $thumbWidth*$imageLine;
        $spriteHeight   =   $thumbHeight*(floor(count($imageFiles)/$imageLine)+1);

        # create png file for sprite
        $png = imagecreatetruecolor($spriteWidth,$spriteHeight);

        # open vtt file
            $handle =   fopen($vttFile,'wb+');

        # insert thumbs in sprite and write the vtt file
            foreach($imageFiles AS $file)   {
                $counter        =   str_replace($filePrefix,'',str_replace($fileSuffix,'',str_replace($dirToScan,'',$file)));
                $imageSrc = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
                imagecopyresized ($png, $imageSrc, $dst_x , $dst_y , 0, 0, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $thumbWidth,$thumbHeight);

                $varTCstart =   gmdate("H:i:s", $counter-1).'.000';
                $varTCend   =   gmdate("H:i:s", $counter).'.000';

                $varSprite  =   $spriteFile.'#xywh='.$dst_x.','.$dst_y.','.$thumbWidth.','.$thumbHeight;

                fwrite($handle,$counter."\n".$varTCstart.' --> '.$varTCend."\n".$varSprite."\n\n");

create new line after 20 images
                if ($counter % $imageLine == 0) {
                else    {



VTT file looks like this:

00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.000

00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:02.000

00:00:02.000 --> 00:00:03.000




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