Sqlite - how to get a DATETIME field in Swift?

I am trying to get a DATETIME field called TIMESTAMP from SQLite DB with the following code:

let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
var d1: NSDate  = NSDate()
if getData.dictLocations["TIMESTAMP"] != nil {    
    d1 = dateFormatter.dateFromString(getData.dictLocationsNames["TIMESTAMP"]!)!
    } else {
    dateCreatedLabel.text = "FAILED"


The problem seems to be related to the fact that there are only two options for getData:

getData.dictLocation which is <String, Double> or
getData.dictLocationNames which is <String, String>


So how do I get the date? Needless to say, the sample code is always displayed, "FAILED".

Any ideas? I am using FMDB.

This replaces a similar question I asked earlier today, now deleted which was too broad.


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1 answer

When you pass an object NSDate

as a parameter to executeQuery

or executeUpdate

to FMDB, it does the required conversion for you. You don't need (and shouldn't) use it NSDateFormatter

at all. Let FMDB handle this.

For example:

if !db.executeUpdate("create table foo (bar text, transactionTimestamp text)", withArgumentsInArray: nil) {

if !db.executeUpdate("insert into foo (bar, transactionTimestamp) values (?, ?)",  withArgumentsInArray: ["baz", NSDate()]) {

if let rs = db.executeQuery("select bar, transactionTimestamp from foo", withArgumentsInArray: nil) {
    while rs.next() {
        let bar       = rs.stringForColumn("bar")
        let timestamp = rs.dateForColumn("transactionTimestamp")

        println("bar = \(bar); timestamp = \(timestamp)")
} else {




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