What does the -f option mean for git rm command?

I am learning Git through this online book . I don't understand some information about the command git rm


If you have changed the file and added it to the index already, you must force the deletion using the option -f

. This is a safety feature to prevent accidental deletion of data that has not yet been written to the snapshot and cannot be removed from Git.

English is not my native language. I have some trouble translating this quote correctly ... What does "snapshot" mean? Is it "commissioned"?

I see it git rm 123.txt

has the same as git rm -f 123.txt

, even though 123.txt was modified and added to the index (i.e. to the storage area using a command add

): it removes 123.txt from the index and working directory. So I don't understand the meaning of the parameter -f

. Expand it for me.

Additionally, I tried reading this :

The files to be deleted must be identical to the tip of the branch, and no updates to their content can be placed in the index, although this default behavior can be overridden with a parameter -f


Also this:



Flip the last check.

What is a "twig tip"? What does the parameter -f



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2 answers

Try to check in the file in the git repository and delete it. For example:

 $ git status
 # On branch master
 # Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
 # nothing to commit, working directory clean

 $ echo "a" >> http.c


And try to remove it:

 $ git rm http.c


You'll get:

git rm http.c
error: the following file has local modifications:


So, the parameter -f/--force

will allow you to remove it:

$ git rm -f http.c
rm 'http.c'




Lots of questions.

-F is required because git doesn't know if you want to keep the current changes before deleting. You are warned and can commit before deleting. this way you will not lose your progress if you decide to resurrect the file.

Adding a file moves it from the working copy (local directory) to the staging area. This is an area where you can make changes and preview them before committing.

git diff --staging


The snapshot of the entry is a commit, but from what you say I'm wondering if the creation counts as an intermediate snapshot. I'll have to try this when I'm closer to my computer and update

The tip of a branch is the last commit you made to that branch. This is after you have added to the stage

git commit


In short, -f you say, "I'm not interested in changes, just remove."



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