Array type promotion in Julia
In Julia I can use promote
different types of objects for compatibility. For example:
>promote(1, 1.0)
>typeof(promote(1, 1.0))
(Float64, Float64)
However, if I use promote
for arrays, it doesn't give me what I want:
>promote([1], [1.0])
>typeof(promote([1], [1.0]))
I want the array to Int64
convert to array Float64
, so I end up with something like:
>promote_array([1], [1.0])
>typeof(promote_array([1], [1.0]))
Here promote_array
is a hypothetical function I have composed. I am looking for a real function that does the same. Is there a function in Julia that does what the promote_array
above does?
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Here's what I would do:
function promote_array{S,T}(x::Vector{S},y::Vector{T})
U = promote_type(S,T)
convert(Vector{U},x), convert(Vector{U},y)
I'm not sure what your use case is exactly, but the following pattern is what I see as usually required for code that has the tightest typing that can be general:
function foo{S<:Real, T<:Real}(x::Vector{S},y::Vector{T})
length(x) != length(y) && error("Length mismatch")
result = zeros(promote_type(S,T), length(x))
for i in 1:length(x)
# Do some fancy foo-work here
result[i] = x[i] + y[i]
return result
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I found a function Base.promote_eltype
that I can use to get what I want:
function promote_array(arrays...)
eltype = Base.promote_eltype(arrays...)
tuple([convert(Array{eltype}, array) for array in arrays]...)
This function promote_array
gives me the result I am looking for:
>promote_array([1], [1.0])
>typeof(promote_array([1], [1.0]))
The above problem solves my problem, although existence Base.promote_eltype
suggests there may be a solution already built that I am not aware of yet.
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