Dynamically added paper button doesn't display correctly

I have the following html:

  <paper-button raised>Static</paper-button>
    var button = document.createElement('paper-button');
    button.textContent = "dynamic";
    button.raised = true;


If I add the paper button statically, it looks fine, but I do the same thing dynamically, I get no animation.

Is there something special I need to do if I add the paper button dynamically?

see http://jsbin.com/rararurotu/1/edit?html,output


source to share

2 answers

You need to install textContent

using the Polymer.dom api parameter.

The following code will work:

<paper-button raised>static</paper-button>
  var button = document.createElement('paper-button');
  button.raised = true;
  Polymer.dom(button).textContent = 'dynamic';


see http://jsbin.com/gexifaxaqi/1/edit?html,output



There are several ways to do this in Polymer 1.0.

Option 1 (using document.createElement


Update: I think @ Kasper's answer is the best approach when using Polymer.dom, because it allows us to inject textContent directly rather than through an inner class.

<!-- my-dom-element.html -->
<link href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<link href="bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html" rel="import">

<dom-module id="my-dom-element">
      <paper-button raised>button 1</paper-button>
      is: 'my-dom-element',
      ready: function () {
        var button = document.createElement('paper-button');
        button.raised = true;
        button.querySelector('.content').textContent = 'button 2';


For details see Polymer.dom


Option 2 (idiomatic, using conditional templates)

Here we are using the native Polymer language to create a button element based on a condition (in this case, a property value).

<!-- my-conditional-dom-element.html -->
<link href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<link href="bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html" rel="import">

<dom-module id="my-conditional-dom-element">
      <template is="dom-if" if="{{success}}">
        <paper-button raised>
          Conditional Button
      is: 'my-conditional-dom-element',
      properties:  {
        success: {
          type: Boolean,
          value: true


See auxiliary elements for details .

My personal approach is that the Polymer DSL for creating components is pretty clean and it's good to take advantage of that whenever possible.



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