Updating html table using jQuery Java built on Codeigniter

Guys I have data coming from outsourcing table which I present in table. Raw data coming into Json which I decode using PHP function and display.

I have searched search queries to automatically update this data and found this Automatic update table without refreshing PHP MySQL page

I was able to build what is suggested in the Answers and it seems like it works the first time, but it doesn't update. So when the page loads

I call it

$(document).ready (function () {
                    var updater = setTimeout (function () {
                        $('div#user_table').load ('get_new_data', 'update=true');
                        /*  location.reload(); */
                    }, 1000);


Loads a function named get_new_data from a controller file and loads into

 <div class="container-fluid" id="user_table">



Codeigniter controller function

 public function get_new_data(){

    $url = 'https://gocleanlaundry.herokuapp.com/api/users/';
    $result = $this->scripts->get_data_api($url);
    $data_row = $result;

                            $tbl    = '';
                            $tbl .= '<table class="table table-striped table-responsive" id="tableSortableRes">
                                       <th>Email Address</th>

                                foreach($data_row as $row){
                                $tbl .= '<tr class="gradeX">
                                       <td>' . $row->name . '</td>
                                       <td>' . $row->email . '</td>
                                       <td>' . $row->role . '</td>
                                       <td><p id="' . $row->_id. '_status">'.( $row->alive == true ?  'Active' : 'Banned').' </p></td>
                                       <input id="' . $row->_id . 'status_val" value="' . $row->alive . '" type="hidden">
                                       <td class="center">

                                      <a href="#" id="' . $row->_id . '_rec" onclick="UpdateStatus(' . $row->_id . ')" class="btn btn-mini ">'
                                       . ($row->alive == '1' ? '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up fa-fw"></i>' :  '<i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down fa-fw"></i>' ) . '</a>

                                $tbl .= '</tbody>

                                echo $tbl;



As I said, when the page load shows data, so something works, but when I add new data to the database, it doesn't appear automatically. I want the function to call and update data. Sorry I am very new to javascript and jQuery, so please walk through on me :)

Thanks guys,


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1 answer

To refresh every 15 seconds (4 times per minute), you should use the setInterval function instead of the setTimeout function.

Your code will be like this:

$(document).ready (function () {
    var updater = setInterval (function () {
        $('div#user_table').load ('get_new_data', 'update=true');
    }, 25000);


EDIT . But if you want to make sure you don't overload your page and, as you ask, load the data first and then refresh it regularly. You must do the following:

  • Upload your data for the first time.
  • When finished, call setTimeout to update after 25 seconds.
  • When your page refreshes, call SetTimeout to refresh it in 25 seconds.
  • and over and over.

This is better than using setInterval. To do this, you need to use the full jQuery load function callback http://jqapi.com/#p=load .

function refresh() {
    setTimeout(function() {
          $('div#user_table').load ('get_new_data', 'update=true', refresh);
    }, 25000);

$(document).ready (function () {
    $('div#user_table').load ('get_new_data', 'update=true', refresh);




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