Number of null / NaN values ​​in data frame by columns

I am trying to count the number of unique values ​​for each row in the columns of a dataframe.

More context in my previous post and my answer

Here is the current dataframe:

[in] df
         PID         CID      PPID        PPPID       PPPPID        PPPPPID
    0   2015-01-02   456      2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02    2014-01-02
    1   2015-02-02   500      2014-02-02  2013-02-02  2012-02-02    2012-02-10  
    2   2010-12-04   300      2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04    2010-12-04 


All columns, except for CID (contract_ID), are datetimes. I would like to add another column to the dataframe that counts the number of unique datetimes in each row (in order to figure out how many contracts there are in the "chain").

I have tried different implementations of the methods .count()

and .sum()

, but cannot get them to work on a line basis (the output is all lines with the same value).


df_merged['COUNT'] = df_merged2.count(axis=1)


Fills the entire "COUNT" column with "6" when I would like to be different for each row.

Removing the argument axis=1

makes the entire column "NaN"


source to share

3 answers

You need apply(your_func, axis=1)

to work on a line basis.


          PID  CID        PPID       PPPID      PPPPID     PPPPPID
0  2015-01-02  456  2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02
1  2015-02-02  500  2014-02-02  2013-02-02  2012-02-02  2012-02-10
2  2010-12-04  300  2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04

df['counts'] = df.drop('CID', axis=1).apply(lambda row: len(pd.unique(row)), axis=1)

          PID  CID        PPID       PPPID      PPPPID     PPPPPID  counts
0  2015-01-02  456  2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02       2
1  2015-02-02  500  2014-02-02  2013-02-02  2012-02-02  2012-02-10       5
2  2010-12-04  300  2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04       1

[3 rows x 7 columns]




Another way would be to call unique

on the transpose of your df:

In [26]:    
df['counts'] = df.drop('CID', axis=1).T.apply(lambda x: len(pd.Series.unique(x)))

          PID  CID        PPID       PPPID      PPPPID     PPPPPID  counts
0  2015-01-02  456  2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02       2
1  2015-02-02  500  2014-02-02  2013-02-02  2012-02-02  2012-02-10       5
2  2010-12-04  300  2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04       1




You can directly use nunique

in DataFrame

. This is from pd.__version__ == u'0.20.0'


In [169]: df['counts'] = df.drop('CID', axis=1).nunique(axis=1)

In [170]: df
          PID  CID        PPID       PPPID      PPPPID     PPPPPID  counts
0  2015-01-02  456  2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02  2014-01-02       2
1  2015-02-02  500  2014-02-02  2013-02-02  2012-02-02  2012-02-10       5
2  2010-12-04  300  2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04  2010-12-04       1




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