Is Google Apps script synchronous?

I am a Java developer learning JavaScript and Google Apps Script at the same time. As a beginner, I learned JavaScript syntax, not how it actually worked, and I happily hacked into Google Apps Script and wrote the code sequentially and synchronously like Java. My whole code resembles this: (crudely simplified to show what I mean)

function doStuff() {
  var url = 'https://myCompany/api/query?term<term&search';
  var json = getJsonFromAPI(url);

function getJsonFromAPI(url) {
  var response  = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
  var json = JSON.parse(response);
  return json;


And it works! It works great! If I hadn't studied JavaScript, I would have said that it works like a clockwork. But JavaScript is not a clockwork, it is nicely asynchronous and from what I understand it shouldn't work at all, it "compiles", but the variable logging json

should log undefined, but it logs JSON without issue.


The code is written and executed in the <Literature> Script editor.

Why is this?


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1 answer

While Google Apps Script implements a subset of ECMAScript 5 , nothing makes it asynchronous.

While it is true that the main strength of JavaScript is its asynchronous nature, the Google developers seem to have given this in favor of a simpler and simpler API.


are synchronous. They return an object HttpResponse

and they don't accept a callback. This appears to be an API solution.



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