Find the index of a dynamically added element

I need to detect which dynamically added checkbox was clicked (either by index, or by name or whatever). Here is a fiddle I found on a familiar question: JSFiddle

I want it to appear as "This is the third checkbox" and not just "clicked". Is it possible?

I tried $(this).index()

it but I had no luck.


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3 answers

First, you can use index()

to get the index of the current element in a consistent set. From this, you can use a helper function to format the ordinal for display. Try the following:

$(document).on('change', '[type=checkbox]', function (e) {
    alert('This is the ' + getOrdinal($(this).index('[type=checkbox]') + 1) + ' checkbox');

function getOrdinal(n) {
    var s = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"],
        v = n % 100;
    return n + (s[(v - 20) % 10] || s[v] || s[0]);


Sample script



Okay, Rory made it faster. Here's my fiddle for it :)


<button id="append">Append</button>
<div class="wrapper"></div>



var checkbox = $('<input/>', {type : 'checkbox'});


$(document).on('change', 'input[type=checkbox]', function(){
    $('span').text('Index: ' + $(this).index());




Here you are:

var checkbox = '<label><input type="checkbox" />Checkbox</label>';
$(document).on('click', '.add', function () {
var symbols = {
    1: 'st',
    2: 'nd',
    3: 'rd',
    4: 'th'
$(document).on('change', '[type=checkbox]', function (e) {
    var index = $('[type=checkbox]').index($(this)) + 1;
    var symbol = index >= 4 ? symbols[4] : symbols[index];
    var str = 'This is the ' + index + symbol + ' checkbox';


Hope for this help.



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