Rendering point clouds in WPF Viewport3D is extremely slow

I am trying to render a ~ 170,000 point cloud using WPF Viewport3D. After creating the coordinates of the 3D points, I create a triangle with a specific size at each point and add it to the Model3DGroup object, which I add to my Viewport aftwerwards.

My problem is that the code below only takes 3 seconds to run. After the Model3DGroup is added to the Viewport, the UI will freeze for another 3-5 seconds.

How can I make this work faster? Also, if the Viewport3D cannot handle the models of that number, can anyone recommend an alternative way to render the point cloud in a WPF control?


        Model3DGroup triangles = new Model3DGroup();
        foreach (Point3D point in workspace.PointCloud)
            double x = point.X;
            double y = point.Y;
            double z = point.Z;

            Point3D p1 = new Point3D(x + 0.005, y, z);
            Point3D p2 = new Point3D(x, y + 0.005, z);

            MeshGeometry3D mymesh = new MeshGeometry3D();

            Vector3D Normal = GeometryHelper.CalculateTraingleNormal(p0, p1, p2);

            Material Material = new DiffuseMaterial(
                new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red) { Opacity = 0.5 });
            GeometryModel3D model = new GeometryModel3D(
                mymesh, Material);


        ModelVisual3D modelVisual = new ModelVisual3D();
        modelVisual.Content = triangles;



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1 answer

Per This page :

Only create different models when they require different Materials or Transforms. If not, try combining many GeometryModel3D instances with the same Materials and Transforms into a somewhat larger GeometryModel3D and MeshGeometry3D.

Instead of creating multiple, MeshGeometry3D

create just one and add it to one GeometryModel3D

. Add this one GeometeryModel3D

to yours ModelVisual3D

. This should significantly improve the performance of your model (I've experienced this myself).

For additional speed improvements, you can create your positions in parallel ( Parallel.ForEach Example )

      List<Point3D> points = new List<Point3D>();
      Parallel.ForEach(workspace.PointCloud, point =>
        //Do Work
      Point3DCollection p3d = new Point3DCollection(points);
      mymesh.Positions = p3d;


I have not tested this code. More work might be needed to get it to run in parallel. Don't forget to create points in triplets, otherwise you will get points in a very strange order that will create crazy triangles.

You can skip this TriangleIndices

as they are displayed if not specified. Though I doubt you will buy you a lot of processing time and I'm not sure if this will affect performance later.



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