How to initialize string for datetime field type in SharePoint using C #

I am building an application using visual studio in SharePoint that has months between two dates. and I'm having a problem initializing the value. the code belongs as follows

DateTime _Sdate = ["Sdate"] //this one here does not work 
newDef = jobDef.Items.Add();
newDef["Sdate"] = "01/01/2015"; // i want to initialize this field to _Sdate
newDef["Ndate"] = "07/06/2015";
newDef["Cdate"] = calcDay() // I have this function in my project


Can anyone help me?


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2 answers

I assume you have SpListItem itm

one that has a named column Sdate

. Please see below code which works great for me.

DateTime _Sdate = Convert.ToDateTime(itm["Sdate"].toString());
newDef = jobDef.Items.Add();
newDef["Sdate"] = _Sdate;
newDef["Ndate"] = "07/06/2015";
newDef["Cdate"] = calcDay(); 




DateTime cannot be a string, but you can pass it to a string using .ToString (); To assign a string to a datetime variable, you will need to parse or convert it. You can use the Convert class to change the datetime string.


public string aDate = "01/01/2015";
public DateTime sDate;
sDate = Convert.ToDateTime(aDate); //sDate now has a value of 01/01/2015




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