Orange, Python: List Out of Range Association Rules - How Should Data Look?

I'm playing with the Orange Association Rules sample. Orange Doc
My code is very similar to the docs:

import Orange
data ="order_data.basket")

rules = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesSparseInducer(data, support = 0.5)

print "%5s   %5s" % ("supp", "conf")
for r in rules:
    print "%5.3f   %5.3f   %s" % (, r.confidence, r)

inducer = Orange.associate.AssociationRulesSparseInducer(support = 0.5, store_examples = True)
itemsets = inducer.get_itemsets(data)
# print itemsets
print [data.domain[i].name for i in itemsets[5][0]]


And it works with data from Orange

our, two, weapons, are, fear, and, surprise and ruthlessness,
our effectiveness , three, weapons, are, fear, surprise and ruthlessness, efficiency and, almost fanatical, devotion, to the Pope, ours
among ours, weapons

But with my data, I am getting an error:

supp    conf
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 15, in <module>
    print [data.domain[i].name for i in itemsets[5][0]]
IndexError: list index out of range


What's my data:

Item2, Item2, Item2, Item2, Item7, Item7, Item7, Item7, Item7
Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item2
Item4, Item4
Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item1, Item2


I checked for spaces and used a barebone / short version of my data with 10 lines like in the example, but I still get this error.
Where did it come from?


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