:delete, data: {confirm: 'Are yo...">

Rails remove link call from javascript

With rails, I can do this:

<%= link_to("Delete", product, 
            :method => :delete, 
            data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?.'}
            id: 'discard_btn') %>


and I know that when the click is received, the standard JavaScript confirmation dialog will ask "Are you sure?" the question of sending a request if OK is clicked.

I want to modify this simple dialog with a nice Bootbox dialog with the same behavior. I tried to do this:

  bootbox.confirm("Are you sure?", function(result) {
    // How to send the delete request from this callback?
  // Prevent the request to be sent.  This works/  
  return false;


But my problem is that Bootbox uses callbacks to handle its events and just writing the returned true inside the callback won't work.

How to send a delete request from javascript?


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1 answer

Something like this should work:

    type: "DELETE",
    url: "/products/1"


And in the controller you need to add the js formatted response

respond_to do |format|
  format.js { render "something.js.erb" }


Finally, something.js.erb file will be executed. For example, you can refresh the current page





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