How to extract uppercase words in a long string using perl
I'm trying to find a way to extract only uppercase words (at least three consecutive upper characters, plus numbers) from a fairly long string using perl.
"Hello world, thank GOD it Friday, I can watch EPISODE4"
For some reason I can't think of a sane way to do this, any ideas? Thank you!
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2 answers
Use character classes:
my @matches = ( $string =~ /\b[[:upper:]|[:digit:]]{3,}+\b/g );
say join " - ", @matches;
(You indicated capital letters and numbers. You did not indicate where the number will be. You also did not say if I need to do anything with the number.
Modify your question to include other requirements).
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This will give you any uppercase words that have more than 3 characters and may or may not have a number at the end:
my $str = "Hello world, thank GOD its Friday, I can watch EPISODE4";
my @matches = ($str =~ /\b([A-Z]{3,}+[0-9]*)\b/g);
You can change it to search for uppercase characters after numbers:
my @matches = ($str =~ /\b([A-Z]{3,}+[0-9]*[A-Z]*)\b/g);
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