Can shift and @_ be used in the same statement?

Is the following code safe? Does it work in all versions of perl> = 5.8? Is it guaranteed that the shifts are done before unpacking @_?

sub f1 {
    shift->update(p1 => shift, p2 => shift, @_);


Detailed alternative code:

sub f2 {
    my ($self, $p1, $p2, @r) = @_;
    $self->update(p1 => $p1, p2 => $p2, @r);



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1 answer

It works correctly in all existing Perl interpreters.

However, the order of evaluation of the operand for the comma operator is documented when it is used in a scalar context, but not when it is used in the context of a list in this case. Worse, this is undocumented behavior in the undefined behavior area in some other languages. I don't see a change in behavior, but it is not entirely safe.


sub f3 {
    my $self = shift;
    my $p1   = shift;
    my $p2   = shift;

    $self->update(p1 => $p1, p2 => $p2, @_);


If you absolutely want to go without a variable, you can use the following with confidence:

sub f4 { $_[0]->update(p1 => $_[1], p2 => $_[2], @_[3..$#_]) }


I don't know why you want to use this. Difficult to read even without considering the loss of self-documenting parameter naming properties.



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