Writing only the topmost element of the ThreadContext stack

We are using Log4net ThreadContext.Stacks and mostly work well. My problem occurs if there were multiple ThreadContext.Stacks ["key"]. Push (...).

With a simple ConversionPattern:

<param name="ConversionPattern value="... topProp=%properties{key} ..."/>


I see log entries like:

... topProp=first second third ...


I would really like to see only the last pressed value, not all values. I was hoping that something like the following could be added in my appender / layout / ConversionPattern:

<param name="ConversionPattern value="... topProp=%properties{key}{1} ..."/>


but that won't work. I can kill it by assuming / requiring all values ​​to be the same length (e.g. 5) and doing:

<param name="ConversionPattern value="... topProp=%5.5properties{key} ..."/>


But it's not really attractive. Any ideas?


[Edit to add a very simple example]

using System;
using System.IO;
using log4net;
using log4net.Config;

namespace ThreadLocalExample {
class Program {
    private const string PropJobId = "Example:JobId";

    static void Main() {
        XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo("log4net.cfg"));
        var log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));


        log.Debug("Enter using");
        using (ThreadContext.Stacks[PropJobId].Push("New")) {
        log.Debug("Out of using");



With log4net config:

<appender name="Console" type="log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender">
    <threshold value="ALL" />
    <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="[jobId=%P{Example:JobId}]: %m%n" />



[jobId=Old]: Enter using
[jobId=Old New]: stuff
[jobId=Old]: Out of using
[jobId=Old]: done.


But I would like:

[jobId=Old]: Enter using
[jobId=New]: stuff
[jobId=Old]: Out of using
[jobId=Old]: done.



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2 answers

I had the same problem and it was not just about "bad formatting" because I was using a database application (AdoNetAppender) that expects integers. Thus, after combining all the summed values, the result is no longer an integer. Consider an application like this:

<appender name="DbAppender" type="log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender">
<commandText value="INSERT INTO Log ([Id]) VALUES (@Id)" />
    <parameterName value="@Id" />
    <dbType value="Int32" />
    <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%P{someId}" />


This appender accepts no log message where "someId" gets stacked twice or more - no logs in the database ...

So, to solve this problem, I ditched stacks and went back to flat properties. I have coded a little extension:

    public static class Log4NetExt {
        public static IDisposable ThreadContextPush(string key, object value) {
            object oldVal = ThreadContext.Properties[key];
            ThreadContext.Properties[key] = value;
            var topMostCleaner = new DispCleaner();
            topMostCleaner.EvDispose += () => {
                // Pop = restore old value
                ThreadContext.Properties[key] = oldVal;
            return topMostCleaner;

        private class DispCleaner : IDisposable {
            public event Action EvDispose;

            public void Dispose() {
                if (EvDispose != null) EvDispose();


And now instead of:

using (ThreadContext.Stacks[PropJobId].Push("New")) {



using (Log4NetExt.ThreadContextPush(PropJobId, "New")) {


and it works fine;)

(This shortcode doesn't follow all the best practices for creating disposable objects, removing event handlers and all that stuff, but it's short and I think it's safe in this simple case.)



I did this with Filip's solution modified as

 public static class Log4NetExt
        public static IDisposable ThreadContextSet(string key, object value)
            //object oldVal = ThreadContext.Properties[key];
            ThreadContext.Properties[key] = value;
            var topMostCleaner = new DispCleaner();
            topMostCleaner.EvDispose += () => {
                // Pop = restore old value
                //ThreadContext.Properties[key] = oldVal;
                ThreadContext.Properties[key] = null;
            return topMostCleaner;

        private class DispCleaner : IDisposable
            public event Action EvDispose;

            public void Dispose()
                if (EvDispose != null)


And used it like

using (Log4NetExt.ThreadContextSet ("ContextId", "Feed")) using (Log4NetExt.ThreadContextPush ("ContextValue", objFeed.FeedId)) {




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