$ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] creates an extra slash


in my local host, it provides: C:/apache2.2/htdocs


However, when I use it on my server, it outputs: /var/www/

I cannot use stripslashes()

as it removes all forward slashes even from the beginning. Any suggestion how to counter this? I don't mind if the outputs have a slash or not at the end. But I just want it to be the same for both files. Therefore, I am not modifying the paths by adding or removing the forward slash.

Btw I can't change anything on my server. However, I can change my local one to match the server, but I don't know how.


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1 answer


rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/')


to normalize the string. See http://php.net/manual/function.rtrim.php .

I highly recommend never relying on DOCUMENT_ROOT as it is an external dependency. Use magic constants __DIR__

and instead __FILE__

to refer to paths relative to your scripts. For example...

$someDirRelativeToThisFile = __DIR__ . '/some-dir'; // PHP >= 5.3.0
$someDirRelativeToThisFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/some-dir'; // PHP < 5.3.0


See http://php.net/manual/language.constants.predefined.php



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