Inconsistencies between app scripts and search in gmail interface
I am trying to create a google script application to import mail received from an online form into a spreadsheet.
I am using two tags: one "to_process" is added by the gmail filter and the other "processed" is added by this script after the email has been added to the sheet.
I am looking for all emails that have "to_process" but are not "processed" using the search label: label: to_process! Label: processed in: all '
I got it partially (see the core script below)
I run the script using the script editor's run function.
The problem is that using the same request in the gmail frontend I get over 100 emails, but in the script log I get 6 and they are all processed. Did I miss something?
function extractInfo() {
var step = 30;
var max = 500;
var currentStep = 0;
while(max--) {
var threads ='label:to_process !label:processed in:all', currentStep++ * step, step);
if(threads.length == 0) break;
Logger.log("-------- found threads: " + threads.length);
var threadId = threads.length;
while(threadId--) {
var thread = threads[threadId];
if(hasLabel(thread, "processed")) {
Logger.log("was processed: " + thread.getPermalink())
if(!hasLabel(thread, "to_process")) {
Logger.log("isn't mark to process: " + thread.getPermalink())
var messages = thread.getMessages();
var messageId = messages.length;
while(messageId--) {
var message = messages[messageId];
var row = extractMessageData(message);
function hasLabel(thread, name) {
var labels = thread.getLabels();
var l = labels.length;
while(l--) {
if(labels[l].getName() == name) {
return true;
return false;
After many mistakes and mistakes, I partially figured it out.
What I see in the gmail ui is actually a message, not streams. But manipulating labels is one thing. I just pulled all messages of all threads from a given label and then processed the theses.
If a stream is labeled "processed" it does not mean that all messages have been processed, which is a problem.
There are still inconsistencies regarding the number of messages I see in the UI and what I use the API.