Find the sum of a value from an array

I have a cart table and want to calculate the amount of value wherever I have a status = 1

id  cost   status
1   10     1
2   10     1
2   10     1
2   10     2


the code i tried is

$sql01 = "SELECT * FROM cart where status='1' ";

$result01 = mysqli_query($con, $sql01);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result01) > 0) 
        while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result01)) 
                $price = array_sum($row);
                echo "sum of cod:"; echo $price;
                echo "<br>";


the result i get is



The result that should be




source to share

5 answers

One way to do this is to calculate the sum in SQL, just like the other answer. If you want to do this in PHP, you can add a column cost

to a variable:

$total_cost = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result01)) {
    $total_cost += $row['cost'];
echo "Result: $total_cost";




You calculate the sum for each row. You should try this instead:

$sql01 = "SELECT * FROM cart where status='1'";

$result01 = mysqli_query($con, $sql01);
$cost_array = array();
if (mysqli_num_rows($result01) > 0) 
        while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result01)) 
            $cost_array[] = $row['cost'];
echo "Result: ".array_sum($cost_array);


Or (better!) Optimize your MySQL query this way:

SELECT sum(cost) finalprice FROM cart where status='1' GROUP BY status


You can now access your amount using $row['finalprice']




This is the request for you:

SELECT sum(cost) as price FROM cart WHERE status='1' GROUP BY status


PHP code:

$sql01 = 'SELECT sum(cost) as price FROM cart WHERE status='1' GROUP BY status'
$result01 = mysqli_query($con, $sql01);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result01) > 0) 
        while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result01)) 
                echo 'sum of cod:' . $row['price'] . '<br>';


More about GROUP BY at:



It's easier than your code: in SQL, you should use

"Select sum(cost) from cart where status = '1';"




Use this:

SELECT sum(cost) FROM cart group by status having status='1'




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