Passing new line from command line to PowerShell

How to pass a new line character from the command line to PowerShell?

// MyScript.ps1:
    [Parameter()] $Param

Write-Host $Param

// Command line (not PowerShell - cmd.exe!)
powershell.exe -File MyScript.ps1 -Param "First`nSecond"


Does not work. Also using command line newline character \n

doesn't work. So how do I pass the newline to the command line?


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3 answers

A workaround would be to use any other character, eg. \n

at the command line and replace it in PowerShell:

$x = $param.Replace("\n", "`n")


This works, however, this is of course a hack and not my preferred solution.



In First Line◙Second Line

there is a special character like First Line◙Second Line




You need a carriage return and a line feed:



So this should work:

powershell.exe -File MyScript.ps1 -Param "First`r`nSecond"




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