Using 64bit Windows IE WebDriver when it is typed very slowly

I changed my car recently and had to start installing products again. I have a 64-bit Windows machine and instead of using the 64-bit IE driver, I used the 32-bit IE driver. The reason for using the 32-bit IE driver is obviously a slow typing issue in the 64-bit version , and switching seems to be the only option that can be found in downstreams.

Why Selenium InternetExplorerDriver Webdriver is very slow in debug mode (visual studio 2010 and IE9) and WebDriver and IE10 is very slow input

My questions:

  • Is it possible to fix the slow printing issue without upgrading to the 32-bit IE driver?

  • What is the need for a 64-bit IE driver when it can slow down your tests significantly?

From the official Selenium download page , 32-bit is recommended, do we really need 64-bit.


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2 answers

Is it possible to fix the slow printing issue without upgrading to the 32-bit IE driver?

As far as I know, no. I did benchmarking on the login page of my application using 32x versus 64x version. There is a significant performance increase when using 32x as you know.

What is the need for a 64-bit IE driver when it can slow down your tests significantly?

A few reasons.

  • As per this thread, a non-truncated screenshot of the page is only possible if you are using the 64-bit version of IEDriverServer.
  • 64x IE8 for Windows 7 RTM and IE9 both can run as 64x application using 64x IEDriverServer. May need to use 64x app for testing purposes.


As pointed out in the link shared by @Saifur above, it seems like a workaround to use 64-bit instead of switching to 32 (although I haven't tested it yet and probably never will).

First, you can disable native events by setting "nativeEvents" to falsely exploit any language-specific mechanism to ensure this.


A more accurate workaround in terms of modeling input to provide the "requireWindowFocus" capability, although this is also window-dependent and may manifest in other ways.



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