Can't login with Community Auth in Codeigniter

I am following how to set Community Auth in codeigniter. I followed the instructions in the installation guide:

15 Create a user for testing purposes by editing the user_data array found inside the create_user method found in the examples controller. Remember the levels_and_roles array located in config / authentication when specifying user level. To enter the next step, the user level must be set to 9, which is default - admin. Also note that this way of creating a user does not consider password strength, but login authentication does. a strong enough password, will have a capital letter, a number and at least 8 characters in length. Run / examples / create _user in your browser to create a user.

However, I cannot enter it. It states that LOGIN ERROR: Invalid username, email or password. , is always.

I already changed them:

            $user_data = array(
            'user_name'     => 'admin',
            'user_pass'     => 'admiN123',
            'user_email'    => '',
            'user_level'    => '9', // 9 if you want to login @ examples/index.


and use it to login, but login failed over and over again.


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2 answers

Please activate the debug info:

Open / application / config / config.php. Find the log_threshold parameter and change it to 2 or more. 2 is the lowest level that allows debug level error messages to be logged, and this is the level that the Auth Community uses.

$config['log_threshold'] = 2;


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I noticed that using debug my database password did not match the registered password.

When I installed my system, I did not configure it correctly $config['encryption_key']

. So the fix was easy as un-commenting encryption_key ... not sure why it was commented to start.

The end solution was to set up the file /config/config.php

like this:

 $config['encryption_key'] = '';




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