Log errors from hystrix commands

The @HystrixCommand annotation can be configured with a backup method to be executed in case of method failure.

    public Link defaultDogeLink(Account account) {
         return null;

    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultDogeLink")
    public Link buildDogeLink(Account account) {
         // some code that may throw Runtime Exceptions


What should I do in order to log (in the central class) exceptions at runtime in all methods annotated with @HystrixCommand?

I am using spring-cloud-netflix and not vanilla hystrix-javanica. I'm looking for something similar to the org.springframework.aop.interceptor.AsyncUncaughtExceptionHandler class (for Spring @Async) that I need to implement in my application.

In hystrix-core, the HystrixCommand class has a getFailedExecutionException () method that can be used in the backup method to log the exception. Can someone please point me to how to get this exception when working with hystrix-javanica?


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1 answer

Within hystrix-javanica unit tests, I found a way to get the last executed hystrix command:

public Link defaultDogeLink(Account account) {
     LOG.warn("exception occured while building doge link for account " + account, getCommand().getFailedExecutionException());
     return null;

@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultDogeLink")
public Link buildDogeLink(Account account) {
     // some code that may throw Runtime Exceptions

private com.netflix.hystrix.HystrixInvokableInfo<?> getCommand() {
    return HystrixRequestLog.getCurrentRequest().getAllExecutedCommands().iterator().next();


This is a little more verbose than expected, but fulfills my requirements.



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