Common questions about JHipster

Sorry if this is not the place to ask these questions. But I just want to know if ...

  • Can JHipster handle large applications?
  • Is it possible to minimize the generation of codes, especially with the UI part?
  • Can I extend the RestController class that was generated. (As a custom model class where I get the base64 string to write to the file)

Sorry again for asking, it's just that I'm building a business startup and I want to know if this is possible. I can't help but freak out in JHipster and now I'm literally twisting my fingers!

Thanks guys!


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2 answers

Three questions in one, really!

  • It depends on what you call "large scale". We have users with several hundred tables, so I would call it "large". Other people use a "microservice" approach with multiple JHipster applications working together, which is what I would recommend. Our Gatling tests (as well as user reviews) also show that we can support a large number of HTTP requests when compared to "competing" stacks like JBoss or Play! (but both of them don't have production-oriented defaults like our "prod" profile - for example they don't have second-level cache enabled by default - so normally we're much more perfect outside of -Box)
  • If you don't like a part of the UI you can delete it, but in this case I would recommend not using JHipster -> that's the whole idea, otherwise just use bona fide Spring Boot or DropWizard
  • It's just a generator, so yes, you can extend or change anything that has been created

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yes you can, i used it for one tutorial board which has 20housand + js file and also used it for ministry 3


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